Thought seeds planted in consciousness, like seeds planted in the earth, have vibrational energy. The act of honoring an event of synchronicity by writing it down in a journal allows its meaning to grow in light of conscious reflection over time. My own experience with this type of journaling over the past five years has produced some amazing results in the way I think and perceive the world around me. These results include heightened intuition and creativity, better dream recall, and a larger view of reality that is connected to both the observed and hidden influences that affect my day to day life. I have discovered that there is power in writing down meaningful coincidences as they happen to me and then pondering their meaning for my life over time. While engaging in this process of reflective journaling, new thought patterns have emerged that nourish my soul’s longing for truth and self-expression.
Since I began my journaling project, I have experienced many instances of synchronicity, but one comes to mind as an especially powerful. It coincided with a message contained within a dream. The dream and the synchronicity following it occurred at a time when I was dealing with feelings around a painful relationship. Intellectually, I realized that the other person was not the “bad guy,” but was having a rough go of it emotionally. I fell asleep one night after wrestling with this issue, and had a dream that contained an important message for my life. A message that serves me to this day.
Moving From Warrior to Wise Woman
I am a general in the front ranks of a war zone. All is dark and chaotic in the midst of the battle. Quite suddenly I decide to give up my position of leadership in the battle to a man in the dream. I continue to merely view the scene, not engaging in the fighting any longer. Later, I discover that I have dug a deep well. I find myself arranging stones of different sizes and colors around the outside of the well housing that is above ground. When I am finished, it looks like an old-fashioned well with a wooden bucket on a rope pulley dangling at the top. I am pleased with my work and consider whether or not to lower the bucket into the cool, clear water below. EOD
After recording it in my dream journal, I summed-up the dream’s theme in a sentence: A woman gives up fighting and builds a container to hold a substance that will quench her thirst. I took this to mean that I was making a positive move somewhere in my psyche (not consciously yet) toward peace and emotional nourishment and away from the inner conquest that the ill-fated relationship had stirred in me. I knew upon reflection of the dream that had I stayed asleep, I would have lowered the bucket and drank of the cool, nourishing water. Later that morning, as I began again to think about the dream’s meaning, I said aloud to myself, Yes, I think a part of me is ready to drink of the water of this well! As I said this, I absentmindedly walked over and picked out Heal Thyself, by author Saki Santorelli from my bookshelf. I had purchased the book earlier in the week, but hadn’t begun reading it. I opened it at random to these words, “Right now it feels as if each of us is standing at the edge of a deep well, staring into a shimmering unknown, wrestling with the unspoken question, ‘Do I say no to this moment, remaining parched and brittle? Or do I say yes and drink from the uncertain waters, holding the possibility of life renewed?” Having taken all the Jungian courses that my mid-western university had offered (not many, but enough), the concept of synchronicity was not new to me. What was new was the crystal clear experience of it in my own life in that moment in time. I knew I had just been given a powerful gift of grace and continue to feel much gratitude and humility in the face of it.
This is so inspiring and interesting. I truly enjoyed reading this and looking forward to the next entry.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Diana. I will be posting a new entry tomorrow. To the right of this entry is an Archive list of other posts.
I particularly am drawn to the line: ‘Do I say no to this moment, remaining parched and brittle? Or do I say yes and drink from the uncertain waters, holding the possibility of life renewed?” as it has special meaning to me at this particular moment in my life. It gives me the incentive to really think out my quandary. Thanks Jenna!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this post! I have noticed various synchronicities in my life at different times in my life and wondered why these types of thing happen and what meaning to take from them. I like this idea of "honoring" them by writing them down to "allow its meaning to grow in the light of conscious reflection over time."
ReplyDeleteI have been journaling for the past three years, ever since my wife died. In this time I have had a few dreams that I have written down, some I could see the answers and a couple of others I think I might have to wait for eternity to see how they turn out. I do get many thoughts though and I relate these to the Spirit of God speaking to my heart and I do claim them knowing that God will honor them in His timing.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that this post spoke to you in a personal way. I agree with you...the quote from Saki Santorelli is profound...it speaks to me as well in this latter half of my life as it did when I had the dream.
ReplyDeleteYes, those little coincidences can be very fleeting and just seen ti disappear like dreams when we neglect to write them down! Many of the people who write about synchronicity (including myself) have noticed that the more attention you give such events, the more they appear in life on a regular basis.
Hi Bob,
ReplyDeleteGood to see you here! Thank you for this spiritual perspective on your journaling...It sounds like your practice has been a real source of peace and guidance in your life since the passing of your wife (may she rest in peace). I, too, lost my husband three years ago in August...my dreams and synchronicities have been connecting me to him, too, and are a blessing in my life.
I'm trying this again. After I read A Seed is Planted, down to the part "Moving from Warrior to Wise Woman. In the dream", I immediately could identify what Synchronicity means to me.
ReplyDeleteMy dream occurred two days before I received this invitation to join this Blog. I wonder when Jenna had her dream.
My dream was of an American Indian Brave.
It goes like this:
I had a dream of an American Indian brave standing in a swift moving stream two night ago. He was not afraid, but at peace.
Now I know I am in a place in my life where I no longer need to be the fighting brave person that I used to be. I am far more content with my life and how I live it. I can let things flow, I can feel the cool waters and not be afraid any longer. I can adapt, appreciate my inner motions (emotions), (moving water) and still feel balanced.
Thanks Jenna for inviting me to this great way to stay connected and share our inner-connectedness.
Hi Janice,
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your comments finally posted after having trouble with the Comments function of this blog site. I had my dream in 2002. But, I can see how the two dreams connect, especially at this time in your life when being firm and brave does not equate with a fighting stance any longer (as my own dream reflected my own change in attitude. Also, water is the symbol of purification and going with the flow in both dreams.
Thanks for sharing your dream,